Gifted/Highly Gifted STEM Magnet » Gifted/Highly Gifted STEM Magnet

Gifted/Highly Gifted STEM Magnet

Our Gifted/Highly Gifted/High Ability STEM Magnet is a Linked Learning pathway that integrates:
  • Rigorous instruction;
  • Integrated project-based learning (PBL) centered on topics in computer science and engineering;
  • Career exploration in STEM fields; and,
  • Comprehensive support services for all students.
While only students identified as gifted, highly gifted or high ability may apply to this magnet, all students are able to enroll in STEM electives if space is available. For more information regarding gifted identification, please visit the LAUSD website:
The STEM Magnet emphasizes the following student learning outcomes in its pathway:
  • Critical Thinking: Students will choose appropriate and relevant resources and technology to research and address local, state & national, and global issues.
  • Character Development: Students will demonstrate empathy for collaborators and end users alike; self-advocacy by setting goals and consistently meeting deadlines; and, resilience by persevering through academic, technical, and personal challenges.
  • Effective Communication: Students will propose, demonstrate, and defend potential solutions to local, state & national, and global issues through multimedia presentations.
  • Innovation: Students will rely on concepts and skills from their classes to design, build, test, reflect on, and iterate user-centric solutions to local, state & national, and global issues.

Gifted STEM Magnet Courses

6th Grade STEM
includes, but is not limited to, the following units:
  • Web Development with HTML and CSS
  • Video Game Design
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Introduction to 3D Modeling & 3D Printing
Gifted STEM field trip

7th Grade STEM

Includes, but is not limited to, the following units:
  • Mobile App Design
  • Intermediate Robotics
  • Advanced Game Design
  • Green Architecture
  • Intermediate 3D Modeling & Printing
Industrial arts and STEM

8th Grade STEM

Includes, but is not limited to, the following units:
  • Advanced Mobile App Design
  • Advanced Robotics
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Physical Computing with Arduino
  • 3D Printing for Assistive Technology
VEX robotics kit


Students in the STEM Magnet also compete as teams in regional tournaments and national challenges. Some of these include:
In 2022, students from the STEM Magnet will also compete in the Congressional App ChallengeVex IQ tournaments, and others. 
All of these opportunities provide students with the opportunity to collaborate with peers; design, build, and test innovative solutions; apply learned skills and concepts to real world problems; and, build resilience as students persevere to overcome obstacles.