Business Entrepreneurship Technology (BET) Magnet » BET Makes History 2019-2020

BET Makes History 2019-2020

Despite the start of the pandemic and distance learning in March 2020, BET Magnet continued to make history. Mariela Cruz made BET Magnet the only middle school in the U.S. to advance to the New York National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Finals 3 years in a row. 
Mariela created Sole, an expandable shoe that grows 5 sizes for children, parents, missionaries, and people in third-world countries. entered this business plan in regional and national competitions, earning her and BET Magnet the following accolades:
  • Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
  • L.A. Mayor’s Youth Council
  • NFTE-USC Summer Camp
  • 1st Place: Gold Pitch, Virtual Enterprise
  • 1st Place: Operation Hope: Business in a Box
  • 1st Place: L.A. Metro Regional NFTE Finals
  • 1st Place: Gold Pitch, Virtual Enterprise
  • 1st Place: Gold Booth Design, Virtual Enterprise
  • 1st Place: Cal State Fullerton Fast Business Pitch
  • 1st Latina from Nightingale BET to advance to the New York Finals
Mariela Cruz
Ying Jun Tan
Ying Jun Tan, on the other hand, created Pedura, a comfortable, school-children-friendly all-in-one backpack chair that not only benefits outdoor and nature lovers, but also those in undeveloped countries and 270 million children with uncomfortable learning experiences from not having access to backpacks, chairs and supplies. 
As an L.A. Metro Regional winner, Ying Jun became a New York National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Finalist. She is also an Operation Hope: Business in a Box winner and earned scholarships to help launch her business plan.

Cal State Fullerton Titan Fast Business Pitch

Nightingale wins 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place for the 2nd year in a row.
  • 1st Place: Sole, Mariela Cruz,
  • 2nd Place: Eco Green, Zhi Jing Liu
  • 3rd Place: Vid2Go, Jubilee Gutierrez 
  • 4th Place: Edward Garcia & Rachel Ortega

Games for Change Challenge

  • 1st place Universal Access Category: Designing Games for All, Jessilina Van
  • 1st place Politics & Elections Category: Let's Get the Party Started, Aibrin Anglo
  • 10 Nightingale Video Game Finalists: Samantha Boyd; Trisha Vong; Saul Banuelos & Ying Jun Tan; Stephen Alvarado; Jessilina Van; Maria Lara Huicohea & Hanna Corona; Xinyu Chen; Pablo Amador; Jubilee Gutierrez.
BET at the NFTE Semi-Finals

NFTE-USC Summer Camp

In this year's 6-week camp, the following BET students received $12,000 ($1,500 per student), a new lap-top, mentorship from industry experts and weekly business company field trips across Los Angeles. The summer camp allows students to develop business plans upon matriculating from BET. Vanessa Castro; Elida Gonzalez; Marcos Amador; Antony Wong; Jenny Kumpiman; Hudson Wu; Olali Chavez; Ying Yin Tan;