Business Entrepreneurship Technology (BET) Magnet » BET Makes History 2020-2021

BET Makes History 2020-2021

Despite continuation of distance learning and a prolonged pandemic, BET remained strong and made historic accomplishments.
Jubilee Gutierrez

L.A. to New York Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Three students made BET Magnet the only middle school in America to advance to the New York National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Finals for a record 4 years in row. Had it not been for the pandemic, Jubilee Gutierrez, Hanna Corona, Emely Garcia andtheir families would been flown to New York to compete for the best business plans (They will compete virtually in October 2021). After winning in the L.A. Metro Regional Youth Entrepreneurship Business Challenge, Jubilee Gutierrez (first place), Hanna Corona (3rd place), and Emely Garcia (4th place) earned spots in the New York  finals. As 1st place winner, Jubilee received $1,500, the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award with a $5,000.00 scholarship, and additional earnings from other competitions. 

BET Middle vs High School Students

Level of Competition Finalists High School BET Magnet Students
New York National Finals  36 (across the U.S.) 33 3
Regional Finals  5 2 3
Semi-Finals  17 8 9
Quarter Finals  48 36 12

Cal State Fullerton Titan Fast Business Pitch

Hanna Corona
BET also won 1st, 3rd and 4th place in the Cal State Fullerton Titan Fast Business Pitch competition. Jubilee took 1st place for her business plan. Designed to administer multiple vaccines to children with one shot, her Polyccine business plan also secured selection into the NFTE Summer Camp (see below). Jaydon Tsan, Andy Song, Derek Hoong, and Kenneth Leh, on the other hand, took 3rd place for EnviFood. This business plan designed to address hunger, food insecurity, and food wastefulness.
In 4th place, Hanna Corona's Gumbee business plan helped her secure a seat in NFTE Summer Camp. Gumbee tackled pollution by creating a biodegradable, seed-embedded, and organic chewing gum that--when disposed of improperly--grows into non-invasive plants.
Emely Garcia
Emely Garcia, the third BET New York National Finalist, was also selected to NFTE Summer Camp for her business plan Vibe. Through pulses and musical vibrations embedded in “the V-shirt” and her clothing line, the deaf, hard of hearing, music lovers, dancers, and people of all ages are able to experience music in a completely new way.  
Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)-USC Summer Camp
8 BET students applied and were admitted to NFTE Summer Camp: Jesse Alcantara; Jesus Mata; Emely Garcia; Rachel Ortega; Logan Hernandez; Hanna Corona; Jubilee Gutierrez; Mariela Cruz-Suarez. Historically held at USC for 6 weeks, this program allows students to develop business plans. Admitted students receive $1,000.00 stipends, $500.00 for business expenses, mentorship from industry experts, field trips across Los Angeles including, as well as have opportunities to earn $10,000.00 scholarships.
Angela Chen

Games for Change Challenge

In the Games for Change Challenge, Angela Chen won 1st place for the best middle school video game in the advocating for animals category. 
BET also had 3 other finalists: Jude Daily, Stephanie Ramirez, and Tyler Chen. Sans the pandemic, students who win the Games for Change Challenge are recognized by having their video games showcased in a public arcade such as in previous years at Two Bit Circus.

Cal State University of Fullerton Titan Fast Business Pitch

Despite the plight of the pandemic and distance learning, BET Magnet takes top honors for the 3rd consecutive year (with at least 3 BET students in the top 4). Competing among middle, high school and college students for the best business, the following students thrived.
  • 1st Place Jubilee 
  • 3rd Place Jaydon, Kenneth, Andy & Derek
  • 4th Place Hanna C.