Parent Resources » Parent Compact and Engagement Policy

Parent Compact and Engagement Policy

ELAC Revision: 12/01/2020
SSC Approval:   12/02/2020
Emailed to parents: 12/11/2020
Posted on Website:  12/11/2020
Document Link / Enlace / 链接
  • 2020 – 2021 School – Parent Compact·      
  • Pacto de la escuela y padres del 2020 – 2021     
  • 2020 – 2021年学校与家长协议
  • 2020 – 2021 Parent & Family Engagement Policy
  • Politica de participacion de padres y familias del 20-21
  • 2020年-2021年父母与家人的参与政策