Medicine Health Kinesiology Magnet » Medical Clinic

Medical Clinic

Medical Clinic 

MHK's lead teacher created a medical clinic, a designated space connected logically and conveniently to the MHK elective classroom. A corridor allows students to enter and students are able to apply the reading, theory, and research learned in their classroom. Students simulate conditions of working nurses and health workers, and while the MHK clinic is not fully equipped with comprehensive medical equipment, its existence is a phenomenal accomplishment given many years of parent requests to provide students with an MHK exclusive lab-like and clinic-like facility. A visitor entering the MHK clinic will see rows of student projects and, overall, the clinic offers students the space to integrate science and art as they, for example, work on understanding the functions of the heart by creating both paintings and clay models of the heart. 

How You Can Help Our Medical Clinic

We appreciate donations for any quality medical supplies, equipment, machinery, and materials. Please contact MHK lead teacher, Ms. Anguiano.
Students learning first aid, safety, and CPR unit.