Visual and Performing Arts Program (VAPA) » Visual and Performing Arts Program (VAPA)

Visual and Performing Arts Program (VAPA)

Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA)

VAPA offers students a rewarding academic experience in the world of film, theatre, music and art. The elective classes below are offered year-long.
  • Music
  • Orchestra
  • Band
  • Mariachi
  • Film *CTE
  • Theater / Stage Technology CTE
  • Art
  • Yearbook
*CTE stands for career technical education, which offers students real-world applications and occupational skills related to a particular field.


  • Enforce expectations daily and consistently
  • Start instruction at the bell and be prepared
  • Build relationships with students and colleagues
  • Greet students at the door
Scene from film class


  • Follow all classroom expectations
  • Be prepared for class everyday and on time
  • Use respectful language
  • Wear your uniform