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2016 Graduation - The Millenniums
2016, Auditorium Mural Unveiling Ceremony (July/2016)
2017, Back To School (April)
2017, Discovery Cube Trip (Jan 13)
2018 Career Fair
2018 SRLA Holiday Half-Marathon
2018 Well-Being Fair & Cinco de Mayo Festival
2018, 5K Run (April 14)
2018, 8th Grade Luau
2018, 8th Graders vs. Staff Softball Game (May 23rd)
2018, BET Awards (May 21st)
2018, BET Awards (May)
2018, BET Coaching Night (April 18)
2018, BTB Softball Championship(Dec 9) Photos by Darian Moreno
2018, CULMINATION - The Olympians!
2018, ELAC Meeting (May 10)
2018, Football Carnival (Nov 16)
2018, Grass Field Renovation
2018, Lincoln Heights / Highland Park Parade (Dec. 2)
2018, Medieval Knights Demo (May 24th)
2018, Open House (May 3)
2018, Perfect Attendance Dodgers Game (May 25)
2018, Spring Concert Assembly (May 23rd)
2018, STEM curricular trip to the Convention Center YOMO (Sept. 14)
2018, STEM curricular trip to USC for Hour of Code (Dec. 3)
2018, Track Meet (May 25)
2019, American Society of Civil Engineers YMF Presentation to STEM (Nov. 22)
2019, BET Titan Pitch Competition at CSUF (Oct.)
2019, Fair - Winter Program (Feb 23)
2019, Honor Roll Awards (March 8)
2019, LCMA Trip (Nov. 7)
2019, M.E.S.A. competition at CSULA (March 16)
2019, NFTE Innovation Day with Bank of the West (Nov 14)
2019, NFTE Semi-Finals (May 4)
2019, Operation Hope Finals (March 7)
2019, SBA Pep Rally, (April 26)
2019, Showcase (Oct 17)
2019, STEM CA Science Center Trip
2019, The Nest Opening
2019, Track and Field Events (May 8)
2019, Unforgettables Culminination
2019-2020, 1st Day of School
2020, Career Fair (Mar 6)
2020, Dreamers Banner
2020, Kobe Day at NMS (Jan 31)
2020, Straight into Class event, (Feb 14)
2020, Tesla Atwater Facility Curricular Trip, (Feb. 20)
2020, The Dreamers
2020, Virtual Enterprise Convention and Expo (Feb 18)
20204, March Madness
2021, Nov, La Loteria Art
2021, The Explorers
2022, BET Magnet NFTE National Finals
2022, Hispanic Heritage Event (September)
2022, Kindness Week Challenge (January)
2022, STEM Awards (Sept. 30)
2023, Friendship Lawn Day (Valentine's Day)
2023, Kindness Week
5K Run (SRLA), 9/2023
Bilingual Science Project Display Board
Cadet Leadership Prog. (LAPD), 9/5/23
Cal State Fullerton Titan Pitch Competition (BET) Oct/2022
ELAC visits NMS, 9/6/23
中国文化 Chinese Culture
全球变暖 Global Warming
八大菜系 A Tasty Cuisine
原子结构 Atomic Structure
去中国旅游 Traveling in China
岩石循环 The Rock Cycle
我最喜欢的小学老师 My Favorite Elementary School Teacher
我的社区 My Community
校外教学Field Trip to Glendale Community College Science Center
校外教学Field Trip to Natural History Museum
校外教学Field Trips
爱情故事 Love Story
细胞学 Cells